Terms of Use

Thank you for using OpenHome.

1. These terms of use

1.1 These Terms of Use set out the key terms of Terms and Conditions that relate to the use of this Site and its related services such as Chrome extension (collectively, the "Service" or "OpenHome").

1.2 These Terms of Use apply to any use of the Service, including parts and services which can be accessed without a subscription.

2. Permitted activities

2.1 A user may navigate and carry out searches on the OpenHome.

2.2 A user shall not himself and shall not allow any other person to exploit, commercially re-use, duplicate or otherwise reproduce the OpenHome or any part of it.

2.3 Except to the extent permitted by law, a user shall not modify, reverse assemble, decompile or reverse engineer the OpenHome or any part of it or merge it with any other software or database or create any derivative work from it.

3. No liability for errors and misstatements

3.1 The Service is provided on an "as is" basis without any liability to any Subscriber or user. All implied terms are excluded and OpenHome makes no representation about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Service.

3.2 The content of the Service does not constitute any advice. It is not an official data provider or a regulated legal or any other consulting services provider.

3.3 If a user has a question, issue or matter which affects his, her or its interests, he, she or it must take and rely exclusively on advice from a qualified professional.

3.4 The Service is for informational purposes only in order to raise awareness of the property market. It is a fundamental condition of the use of the OpenHome, that the owners and the authors of any part is not liable for any loss or damage caused or arising by reason of any error, omission or misstatement in its content or materials.

3.5 Any other liability on the part of the Service is limited to a maximum of the Subscription fee.

3.6 OpenHome is not responsible for the availability of links to third-party materials or the contents of those materials.

4. Intellectual property rights

4.1 The user acknowledges that he or she has no intellectual property or other rights in the content of the OpenHome or the data made available in it.

4.2 The contents and materials in the OpenHome are protected by copyright vested in OpenHome or their author.

4.3 Most of the data and materials in the OpenHome is used from the open data sources.