Buying a property in Ireland?

Chrome extension for  and
that tells you what property websites don't

Add to Chrome (it's FREE!)

Learn more details about the property for sale!

Just install it in your Chrome browser, and get an additional block of information
on and websites.

See it in action!


✅ Estimate at what price you will actually buy a home.
The extension shows what prices similar houses in the area were recently bought for.

✅ Find out the home's sales history since 2010.

✅ Learn prosperity of the area and around it.

✅ Find a BER certificate by a single click.

✅ More coming soon!..

What people say

Maria D.
Researching the estate market for buying a home is like a separate job. I've spent quite a while doing it manually, until my friend said: 'You still don't have OpenHome?!' Once I've set it up, my life was divided into 'before' and 'after'.
Tania M.
With the OpenHome extension, everything has become much easier. I used to have to go to multiple websites such as Price Register just to find the price history. And now it's simply at my fingertips!
Alex M.
Just a life saver! Guys, I could only have dreamed about such a helper tool! Please keep it up! You should become leaders who help people on this crazy estate market!
The 'Buy a Home' Guide